Saturday, July 14, 2007

that was random

Do you ever find yourself saying "that was a random thought", followed by, "hmmm, oh well", and you just continue on with your day? Next time you have one of those, don't shrug it off, it may be more than "just a random thought".

I've been learning lately, how not so random my thoughts really are. As long as I can remember, I've had some pretty out-there things come from the unknown territory in the back of my head. I've written them off as my overactive imagination, or, found myself beating myself up for even thinking something like that. And quite often, when I write it off as my imagination, I've felt God say to me..."I gave you your imagination". And that is true.

The random thoughts that I have, I've been able to put into three categories, they are:

Random thoughts outside of me (these are most often pictures, or scenes, like from a movie reel), for example...

I was driving with a friend down the freeway, and I was just gazing out the window, in my own little zone, and my eyes fell onto a field we were passing by. I saw, in my head, a plane crash on that field. There was wreckage all over it, flames, and parts strewn in the near by trees. I thought, "hmmm, that was odd", and never gave it another thought. Not even five minutes later, we were then driving by a river, and in my zoned out state, I saw a horse drowning in that river. It wasn't actually happening, but I saw it in my head. I then thought about how I have such an "overactive imagination", and forgot that scene too. I shrugged it off as being one of the many random thoughts I have each day, and have had since I was a little kid.

Then there are the random thoughts that include me doing something (sometimes quite morbid)...

A common thought I've had quite repeatedly, has been as I'm walking down a flight of stairs, and I get the urge to push someone down them. I've had thoughts to drive into trees, swerve into oncoming traffic, walk out into traffic, jump from great heights (with no parachute), and I've seen myself splat on the ground beneath, and those are just a few to mention, and are all a little disturbing. Then there are those not so disturbing, like dropping money through a car window, or having the urge, or warning about hitting a particular parked car.

And then there are the thoughts that include emotion (I've taken these as my own, and sometimes they are, but I'm learning that's not always the case)...

These are the ones I beat myself up for. For example, last new years eve, there was a bunch of us invited over to a friends house to celebrate and worship in the new year, and I found myself looking at someone I love, through very judging eyes. I repeatedly rebuked those thoughts, but they wouldn't seem to leave. I've had numerous thoughts like these, thoughts that I was convinced were my own.

Ok, those are the different kind of random thoughts that I've had, and now for the other side of the fence...where did they come from?

In my experience so far, I've noticed that there are 4 different places that thoughts come from. There's the obvious, my own thoughts, things I believe, past, or future dreams. And there's God. There's satan. And then...there's other people.

Now for the fun part :) Discernment. Out of the four places I just named, which one did that crazy thought come from? I've been learning (only recently) to stop and question things when I have a random thought, and it's quite fun actually :) I've been learning that I'm not as crazy as I had previously thought (awe nuts).

I'll start with the thoughts outside of me, the pictures and scenes. Lets look at the plane crash, and the drowning horse. As we continued to drive down the road, my thoughts wandered back to what I had just seen in my head, and then the thought hit me...hmmm, I wonder if there was a plane crash in that field in the past, or, if there was going to be in the future. And the horse...I wondered if a horse did drown in that river, or if one might in the future. And so I did what I knew to do...pray. I prayed cleansing and healing over the land, and families, if there was a crash, and I also prayed protection if it hadn't happened yet (past and future).

The next group of thoughts are slightly different (but still are mostly in picture form), the urges I get to hurt myself or others, or to do something random. The first thing to do when having a crazy thought, is question it. Do I believe what I just thought? If no, keep going down the list. Was that thought a Godly thought...from Him? Was it a thought from satan...or, have others thought this and possibly acted on it? If it's something morbid, it probably came from satan or someone else. I'll then pray over these thoughts as well. Most of the time cleansing, healing, and protection. Feel free to station angels in a place if you feel like it hasn't happened yet (they are here for us ya know, and we can send angels out on our behalf, they are here to help and protect humankind :)).

The thought to drop money through a car window...ha, here's the story: Three friends and I went to the mall recently, and we split up inside and went our separate ways. As one girl and I were walking back to our car, I had this urge to drop money in through the passenger window that was partially open. The closer I got, the stronger the urge got, and before I could see inside on the seat, I knew there was going to be money there. And there was! Ha, our friends had left before us, and on their way out, had dropped a dollar bill through my window. The next story is about the parked vehicle I was warned not to hit. The story behind that one is interesting as well. I had just left home and was driving past a bunch of vehicles parked on the side of the road. One stuck out to me, more than the others, and I had either the urge to hit it, or the warning not to (not sure which one it was), and so I was careful in passing it. As I passed it, I realized that it had just been hit! Someone not long before me, was involved in a hit and run. There were pieces of the vehicles tail lights on the ground, and whoever had hit them, was no where to be seen.

I thought those two circumstances were very interesting, as I had these "random" urges to do things, but soon realized that they had just been done. Hmmm. How often does this happen and me not know it? (I'll touch on this topic in a later post.)

And then there's the third group of thoughts, the emotional ones. I have had more grief over these than any other thoughts. Back to the story about last new years eve...I was celebrating and worshiping at a friends house, and I found myself looking at her through eyes of judgment. I felt so bad, so I disappeared off into a room by myself. I worshiped for a few minutes as I thought about what happened. I started to question myself if I actually believed what I was thinking. I, I don't! Wow. So I went down the list. I knew it wasn't God's voice...satan? It could've been, but I knew in my spirit that it wasn't...hmm...someone else. I walked back into the main room, and I knew that those thoughts were coming from someone else in there, and I was picking them up and receiving them as my own. I looked around the room, and I knew who it was coming from. So...I prayed for them :) Didn't know what else to do in that situation.

That was the first time I realized that so many times before, I've taken others thoughts as my own...and rebuked myself for having them...when they weren't mine to begin with.

The spiritual realm (one level of it), because we can't see kinda like radio waves. Right now, almost wherever you are, there are radio waves passing through your atmosphere. All you have to do is tune a radio to certain stations, and you'll hear them audibly. That's almost what was happening with me (and I know others as well). That new years, I was "tuning in", if you will, to someone else's thoughts, and I got them confused with my own.

I am still in the learning curve of this stuff, but even just being a little aware of what's going on around us, will bring more clarity to our insanity. It definitely has made me feel better about myself. :)

I've written what I have, because that's the way we learn things...either from being taught, or from supernatural revelation. I didn't cover all that's in my head with this topic, this ended up longer than I anticipated anyways, and so I'll be touching on more of this stuff later.

Be blessed, and remember to stop and question the random thoughts you have, you may be surprised at the outcome.

*Lord, I pray that the Spirit of Discernment and Revelation will fall on those that read this post. Burn in their hearts a holy hunger for You, that will never be satisfied! Open our eyes to the Spiritual realm around us, and let us walk '...on earth as it is in Heaven'! Amen!"