Thursday, June 21, 2007

what else do I have?

Gosh, I am so poor at keeping journals. This is actually the best I think I've ever done at keeping one up. I'm trying :)

I have been so busy over here in Kona, Hawaii, it's hard to write everything that God is doing.

I will say tho, that He is totally wrecking me. I am so ready for a break, but I know one isn't coming yet. Last night I cried myself to sleep. I realized..."who have I in heaven, or on earth, but You Lord?" And His response was "I will never leave you or forsake you". Such a beautiful thing really, but so painful to get there. Our relationship is being forged together like metals, but the heat in the process is almost unbearable. I don't like being in the fire, but I am yielded. What else do I have but Him? What else?

Absolutely nothing.

And so I cling to my wonderful Maker. I am so desperate and I am in such desperate need of my Father, the only One who will "never leave or forsake me".
It's like I'm desperately clutching the ends of a frayed rope, as I hang over the edge of a cliff. There is no way that anyone will be able to loosen my grip. My life is at stake. And it really is. And so I cling.

I love my Lord. More than anything. But His pruning knife is painful.

Even tho I will never understand why things end up the way they do...

...yet I will praise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God has put an anointing on that place and those people: wrecking ungodly foundations. Isn't it fun!??!

Your comment about the pruning knife is good: that's what He's doing. And that knife is far more comfortable than the spade full of fertilizer, or the chainsaw!

You are a blessing, dear one!