Monday, May 28, 2007

...yet i will praise

I just want to say...that I am in love.

In love with Someone far greater than me...and even if I don't understand how He works (which I don't), and why He chooses to do the things He does...yet I will praise.

...yet I will praise, when people look down on the decisions I make.

...yet I will praise, when I have no money in the bank and bills are due.

...yet I will praise, when all I want to do is crawl into a lonely, dark cave and weep.

...yet I will praise, when this rose of sharon is crushed to produce a sweet aroma.

...yet. I. will. praise.

I will dance with these broken legs, and I will lift up my weary voice to praise my wonderful maker!
The true Rose of Sharon was crushed on Calvary for me, so that the sweet smelling Oil of the Holy Spirit could come forth. I have prayed to be "just like Jesus", and He is lovingly answering my prayers.

...yet I will praise, though I am crushed as the petals of a rose.

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