Sunday, August 5, 2007

i haven't forgotten you

Hello to those of you who read this blog :)

Just an apology for not writing in here for a while. I have been so busy, and until I get a laptop of my own, it's hard to keep this updated. I also have been traveling all over, and I have just been so busy.

I have to say tho, that God is totally amazing, and everyday I am left in astonishment! :D He's just so fun, and He's been opening up my eyes even more to who He really is...and who I really am. Gosh. I've been left in awe and wonder...and this journey is so far from being over!

So may God bless you all, and I'll try to get some more stuff in here :)

Love love love!

1 comment:

David McLain said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaay! We love the Ramblin' Rose!