Monday, September 3, 2007

put on your armor

I've been noticing lately how so many christian warriors I know are just getting so beat up. It's starting to tick me off. I've been feeling, and hearing from put on your armor, because the times are getting tough.

I don't know if it's just here in this area, or the people I know, but we really do need to be ready. So many amazing people I know are taking hit after hit, and I've been one who has struggled immensely this year, and I've about had enough. I've found myself on the floor over and over again, feeling like my legs have been taken out from under me, barely having the strength to raise my head. I know what's going on, but I haven't had the strength to fight back.

I've been looking around and seeing how many others are going thru the same things, and I'm getting angry at the enemy robbing us. I've had enough! Seriously guys, put on your armor, lets form an army of God together and stand strong! None of us can do this alone, and we need to work together, stand together, cover each others backs, pray and fast for each other, and help each other when we've been hit.

I guess this is a call to wear the armor we've been given. Don't neglect to make sure it's on everyday. I know it's not going to make everything better, but we all know what the purpose of armor is. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Over the past few years, the Lord had been speaking of an impending battle. One of His illustrations has been this picture from The Horse and His Boy, at the end of the Narnian army's march to the battlefield in Archenland:

Here, the army halted and spread out in a line, and there was a great deal of rearranging. A whole detachment of very dangerous-looking Beasts whom Shasta had not noticed before went padding and growling to take up their positions on the left. The giants were ordered to the right. The archers, with Queen Lucy, fell to the rear and you could see them bending their bows and then hear the twang-twang as they tested the strings. And wherever you looked, you could see people tightening girths, putting on helmets, drawing swords, and throwing cloaks to the ground. There was hardly any talking now. It was very solemn and very dreadful.

For a season, we've been preparing for a great battle that is yet before us. What you're seeing now is the first skirmishes of that battle already upon us. It's like God is bringing His reluctant army into warfare little by little, toughening us up, preparing us for the bloodshed to come.

Since you are a warrior born, and since you are always drawn to a battle, you are one of the first to experience the fight. You have surrounded yourself with warriors, and so you see many of your friends beginning to encounter more of the enemy.

This is the purpose of God, this is His plan: that you would not shrink from the battle, that you would cause more casualties than you take, that you would learn to be healed quickly and to heal those around you quickly, and that you would leave behind you a very wide swath of demonic corpses as you take the battle to the enemy.

This is your destiny daughter. Draw your sword! Throw your cloak to the ground! Let's go to war.